
The Impact of Digital Whiteboards, from (20230723.)

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The article discusses the negative impact of PowerPoint and digital whiteboards on communication and information processing. It highlights how PowerPoint, according to Edward Tufte, hindered NASA from understanding the risks faced by the Columbia shuttle. Similarly, digital whiteboards, influenced by design thinking, prioritize form over content, leading to fragmented ideas and abstraction. Post-its and sticky notes, often used in brainstorming sessions, have become symbols of innovation without necessarily resulting in practical solutions. The article also mentions the rapid growth of digital whiteboard use during the COVID-19 pandemic and the expansion of their capabilities. Ultimately, the article argues that prioritizing form over content in communication tools can degrade both.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
PowerPoint hampers understanding of important information From fragmented information to comprehensive understanding Improved presentation software that prioritizes content Desire for effective communication
Digital whiteboards hinder expression and processing of information From convenience to hindrance in conveying complex thoughts Enhanced tools for expressing and synthesizing ideas Desire for visual collaboration and organization
Sticky notes and Post-its become key to reproducing valid insights From meaningful insights to superficial representations Shift towards more meaningful and actionable insights Desire for innovation and validation
Digital whiteboards enable persistent and organized sticky notes From short-term use to long-term documentation Improved features for organizing and synthesizing ideas Desire for efficient and durable collaboration
Digital whiteboards prioritize form over content From meaningful content to abstract arrangements Focus on enhancing content and meaning in communication Desire for effective and meaningful communication
