
Increasing Luck through Work and Publication, from (20220717.)

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In order to increase our chances of encountering good luck, we can increase the number of opportunities we have for good fortune to find us. One of the best ways to do this is by publishing our work and building a reputation for ourselves. The concept of the “Luck Surface Area” states that the more things we do and the more people we tell, the larger our Luck Surface Area becomes, making it more likely for luck to find us. To increase our Luck Surface Area, we need to do the work and be public about it, whether it’s through sharing our work in communities or diving deep into our curiosity and expertise. By hitting the publish button and sharing our work, we capture the luck and increase the odds of good, unexpected things happening to us.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Increasing chances of encountering good luck From relying on external forces to increasing opportunities More people actively creating and sharing their work Motivation to increase personal luck surface area
Luck defined as unexpected and good events From vague definitions to a simple definition Clear understanding and recognition of luck Motivation to increase chances of unexpected and good events
Increasing luck through public work From relying on luck to taking proactive actions More people working in public and building reputations Motivation to increase Luck Surface Area
Importance of doing the work From underestimating the value of work to recognizing its significance Increased appreciation for the importance of doing meaningful work Motivation to focus on and complete tasks
Sharing work to increase luck From keeping work to oneself to sharing with others Greater emphasis on public sharing and collaboration Motivation to gain recognition and opportunities
Overcoming fear of publishing From fear of judgment to embracing vulnerability More individuals confidently sharing their work Motivation to overcome fear and connect with others
Capturing the luck through increased opportunities From relying on chance to actively seeking opportunities More individuals experiencing positive outcomes and unexpected opportunities Motivation to increase chances of positive outcomes
