
The Threat of Authoritarian Intelligence, from (20231029.)

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The text discusses the author’s perspective on technological innovation, particularly in relation to AI and its impact on society. The author criticizes the leaders in the tech industry for their authoritarian approach to shaping the future of AI and their disregard for individual autonomy. The text highlights the broad field of AI, including machine learning and generative AI, and raises concerns about the lack of deep creativity and empathy in AI systems. The author also emphasizes the manipulation of narrative and the need for discussions about underlying values. Overall, the text calls for a more balanced approach to AI development, with a focus on human well-being and dignity.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Authoritarian Intelligence shaping discussions on AI From inclusive discussions to power-driven ideology Greater awareness and pushback against tech leaders’ control Hubris and desire for power among tech leaders
Tech titans designing our collective future From diverse perspectives to centralized control Limited autonomy and lack of alternatives Wealth and influence of a few tech titans
Machine learning expanding to generative AI From behavior prediction to content generation Increased reliance on Performative AI Seductive power of language and mimicry
Manipulation and authoritarian use of narrative From open discussions to controlled narratives Lack of discussion on values and disregarding conflicting facts Desire for control and elimination of alternatives
Silicon Valley amplifying authoritarian technique From bottom-up culture to amplified top-down control Amplified frenzy and lack of resistance Economic and innovation ecosystem in Silicon Valley
Narrative of short-term efficiency and convenience From critical thinking to blind adoption Polarization, toxicity, and societal disruption Promise of efficiency and convenience
AI implementation disregarding complexity and control From checks and balances to unchecked power Limited agency and undue control Protection of large companies at the expense of others
Risks of disinformation, data privacy, and bias From trust to erosion of trust Few viable solutions and continued risks Lack of understanding and transparency
Priority on “intelligence” over cognition From human-like qualities to machine-like behavior Devaluation of human aspects and loss of agency Overemphasis on intelligence as the sole measure
Call for power distribution and human rights protection From centralized power to distributed power Better decisions and less risk Focus on human well-being and dignity
Need for impactful policy and ethical guidelines From unchecked development to responsible innovation Protection of human rights and vibrant research community Prioritizing human values and long-term impact
