
The Misleading Myth of Artificial Intelligence, from (20230528.)

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The author expresses skepticism towards the term “A.I.” and believes it is misleading and dangerous. They argue that many people pursuing the A.I. dream also worry about its potential harm to humanity. The author emphasizes the importance of understanding A.I. as a tool rather than an independent creature, as mismanagement can lead to negative consequences. They propose viewing A.I. as a form of social collaboration and highlight the need for responsible use and operation of new technology. The author discusses the flexibility and unpredictability of A.I. systems and the potential benefits and concerns associated with it. They also address the challenges of A.I. policy-making and the importance of clear labeling and transparency in A.I. communications.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Debate over the term “A.I.” Shift in perception of A.I. A.I. seen as a tool, not a creature Fear of mismanaging technology
Concerns about A.I. causing harm Recognition of potential danger of A.I. Improved management and understanding of A.I. Fear of annihilation or harm to humanity
Viewing A.I. as social collaboration Shift in understanding A.I. A.I. seen as a collaborative tool, not independent beings Illuminating concordances between human creations
Flexibility and unpredictability of A.I. Move towards less rigid computer technology More control and agency for individuals Desire for humans to have more control over technology
Worries about negative impacts of A.I. Concerns about A.I. pushing people in unwanted ways Increased efforts to set A.I. policy Fear of manipulation and lack of privacy
Agreement on labeling deepfakes and artificial communications Consensus on labeling and transparency Clear labeling and actions for deepfakes and artificial communications Need for understanding and choices in interactions with A.I.
