
Creating Beautiful Maps with Prettymaps: A Guide to Generating Styled PNG Maps, (from page 20220810.)

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The article discusses a project called prettymaps, developed by Marcelo de Oliveira Rosa Prates and Christoph Rieke, which generates styled maps in PNG format based on specified locations. The project leverages various Python libraries, including OSMnx for map data retrieval from OpenStreetMap, NetworkX for complex network functionalities, and vsketch for rendering. The author provides a guide on setting up a Python environment and running a script to create a map of Tallinn’s Old Town. The script allows customization of location, radius, and dimensions of the output image. Additionally, it mentions the existence of a Web UI for users who prefer not to code.


name description change 10-year driving-force relevancy
Simplified Map Generation New projects like prettymaps simplify map creation with minimal code. Shift from complex mapping software to user-friendly, lightweight alternatives. More individuals and small businesses will create custom maps easily for various purposes. Growing need for accessible tools in data visualization and personalization. 4
OpenStreetMap Utilization Increased reliance on OpenStreetMap for diverse mapping needs. Transition from proprietary mapping solutions to open data platforms. Widespread adoption of open-source mapping tools in various industries. Demand for transparency and community-driven data in mapping. 5
Python for Mapping Python libraries streamline complex mapping tasks for users. Shift towards programming languages like Python for mapping applications instead of traditional GIS software. Python will dominate the mapping toolkit landscape, enabling more users to participate in GIS. The rise of Python as a go-to language for data science and visualization. 5
Web UI for Coding Tasks Availability of web interfaces for users unfamiliar with coding. Move from command-line tools to web-based applications for map creation. Non-technical users will create and customize maps without coding knowledge. Desire for user-friendly solutions in technology and programming. 3
Growing Community in Mapping Development of a community around projects like prettymaps encourages collaboration. Shift from individualistic development to collaborative, community-driven projects. Mapping projects will increasingly become community efforts, enhancing innovation. The trend of open-source collaboration in software development. 4


name description relevancy
Dependency on OpenStreetMap Data The reliability of prettymaps is contingent on the accuracy and availability of OpenStreetMap data, which could lead to issues if the data is outdated or incorrect. 4
Potential for High Cache Data Growth Use of the application can cause substantial growth in cache files, leading to storage concerns especially for users with limited disk space. 3
Outdated Python Dependencies The requirement for an updated version of OSMnx indicates potential compatibility issues and risks if the dependencies are not maintained. 4
User Accessibility through Web UI Limitations The availability of a Web UI may not support all functionalities, possibly limiting user experience for advanced users or needs. 3
Environmental Impact of Data Usage Increased storage and processing requirements make environmental sustainability a concern due to the energy consumption of servers and infrastructure. 3


name description relevancy
Open-source collaboration The project relies on multiple contributors and libraries, showcasing a trend towards collaborative, community-driven software development. 5
Data visualization customization Users can easily customize the visualization of geographic data through a simple command-line interface, indicating a growing demand for personalized data representation. 4
Interactive mapping tools The use of tools like prettymaps and OSMnx for generating interactive maps illustrates an increasing interest in interactive and visually appealing geographic data. 4
User-friendly command-line interfaces The integration of CLI tools like Typer reflects a movement towards making complex programming tasks accessible to non-developers. 4
Web-based applications for broader access The availability of a Web UI for prettymaps indicates a trend towards making powerful tools accessible to users without technical expertise. 5
Resource-efficient programming The project’s reliance on lightweight libraries suggests a shift towards efficient coding practices that maximize functionality with minimal code. 3
Community-driven data sourcing Utilizing OpenStreetMap for data sourcing highlights a trend in leveraging community-generated datasets for various applications. 4


description relevancy src
A Python project that generates styled maps from location names using OpenStreetMap data. 4 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f
A Python library for downloading and analyzing street networks from OpenStreetMap. 4 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f
A Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of complex networks. 3 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f
A Python library for creating vector graphics in a sketch-like style. 3 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f
A Python library for building command-line interfaces, simplifying the development process. 4 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f
A collaborative mapping project that provides freely accessible geographic data. 5 181171c9876b970c08eb60fb31a3cb9f


name description relevancy
Increased Use of OpenStreetMap Data Growing reliance on OpenStreetMap and its APIs for diverse applications beyond traditional mapping, highlighting community-driven data. 4
Python Simplification in Mapping Projects Emergence of lightweight Python libraries for mapping, reducing complexity and enhancing accessibility for developers. 4
Advancements in Map Rendering Technologies Innovation in map rendering tools that allow customization and easy integration with existing technologies. 3
Environmental Data Visualization Rising interest in visualizing environmental data through mapping, reflecting concerns about urban planning and green spaces. 3
CLI Tools for Geographic Data Handling Growth of command-line interface tools for geographic data manipulation, improving usability for developers and data analysts. 3
Data Storage and Management Challenges Increasing concerns regarding the storage and management of large JSON files generated by mapping applications. 3