
The Impact of AI on Architecture, from (20220824.)

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The text discusses the impact and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in the field of design, specifically in architecture. It mentions the well-known AI algorithm called Dall-E, developed by the OpenAI research lab, which can generate images based on text input. The “mini” version of Dall-E is available online and has been used to create unconventional images that are gaining popularity on social media. Another AI algorithm mentioned is Midjourney, which is being used in the world of architecture to generate architectural evocations and fascinations. The text highlights the potential of AI in providing alternative design options and suggests that AI can assist designers in creating catalogs of architectural situations. However, it also acknowledges the challenges of using AI in design, such as the risk of a homogeneous aesthetic and the need for multiple iterations to achieve desired results. The text explores the collaboration between humans and AI, discussing the potential for a fusion between human creativity and AI capabilities. It concludes by stating that while there may be concerns and uncertainties about the role of AI in the future of design, the relationship between architect/designer and AI can be both exciting and transformative.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
AI algorithms like Dall-E and Midjourney From human creativity to AI-assisted design AI will become a crucial tool in the design process Efficiency and innovation in the field of architecture
Architects using AI algorithms for design Collaboration between humans and AI Architects will work alongside AI to create unique designs Fusion of human creativity and AI capabilities
Concerns about AI algorithms producing homogeneous designs Overcoming limitations of algorithmic design Algorithms will become more diverse and adaptable to specific cases Architects training AI and breaking down elements for customization
Impact of automation on job availability Collaboration between humans and AI AI will serve as a team of assistants, changing the nature of architectural work Efficiency and increased productivity in the field of architecture
Excitement and fear regarding AI in design Evolution of the role of architects and designers The role of architects will change dramatically, focusing on intuition and visualization Transformation of the architectural profession
