
Google Jamboard: End of the Line, from (20231017.)

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Google has announced the discontinuation of Google Jamboard, a digital whiteboard marketed to schools and corporations. The hardware, software ecosystem, and cloud-based apps associated with Jamboard will cease to function by late 2024. Jamboard was a 55-inch, 4K touchscreen with a custom interface, stylus and finger input, and integration with Google Workspace. Google plans to help users transition by offering migration options to alternative whiteboard apps. Existing Jamboard customers will need to purchase new touchscreens, and Google will compensate educational institutions that invested in Jamboard devices. Despite the high price and annual fees, Jamboard could not sustain enough revenue to remain operational.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Google discontinuing Jamboard Discontinuation of digital whiteboard Third-party whiteboard apps dominate market Lack of profitability and low customer base
Integration of Jamboard with Google Workspace Integration of whiteboarding in Workspace Increased collaboration tools in Workspace Enhancing productivity and collaboration in Workspace
Transition and migration options for Jamboard users Migration to third-party whiteboard apps Increased use of competitor whiteboard apps Providing users with alternative solutions
Compensation for educational institutions Compensation for schools with Jamboard devices Improved customer support and satisfaction Addressing the impact on educational institutions
Pricey cost of Jamboard and additional fees High cost of ownership More affordable and accessible whiteboard alternatives Financial sustainability and customer affordability
