
Exploring Time and Shaping the Future, from (20230708.)

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This text explores the concept of time and its connection to the future. It emphasizes the importance of being future-conscious and actively shaping the future. The text encourages readers to imagine possibilities and challenge assumptions to create a better future. It also highlights the role of futurists in understanding the interconnectedness of the world and developing futures literacy. The text mentions the existence of multiple scenarios and visions for the future and the capacity of individuals to explore and shape alternative futures. Overall, the text promotes the idea of actively creating a positive and preferable tomorrow.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Importance of shaping the future From passive to active role More people actively shaping the future Desire for a better future
Perceiving time and understanding the future From limited to multiple perspectives Increased futures literacy Desire to develop critical thinking
Landscape of emerging possibilities From single future to multiple scenarios Contemplation of various future scenarios Need to address pressing issues
Imagining alternative futures From limited to endless possibilities Increased exploration and imagination of futures Desire for more viable futures
Taking an active role in creating a better future From passive to active participation More people actively working towards a positive future Desire for a better and more positive tomorrow
Certificate for completing Future Forward lessons From no recognition to certification More people obtaining certificates for completing lessons Incentive for completing lessons and gaining recognition
