
Is Living on a Cruise Ship Cheaper Than a Retirement Home?, from (20231022.)

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A retired Australian couple has chosen to spend their retirement at sea by booking 51 back-to-back cruises. They cited the ease and affordability of cruising compared to living in a nursing home. Cruise lines are increasingly offering longer sailings to accommodate people who want to live at sea. The costs of retirement living can vary considerably, with assisted living facilities costing around $4,774 per month and nursing homes costing over $9,000 per month on average. Living on a cruise ship can be more cost-effective and enjoyable for some retirees, but it depends on factors such as health and individual preferences.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Senior couple opts to live on a cruise ship in retirement Retirement living arrangement More retirees choosing to live at sea Affordability and ease of life
Cruise lines offering longer sailings for retirees Retirement living options Increased availability of longer cruises Meeting demand for retiree living preferences
Cruise ship retirement may be cheaper than traditional options Affordability of retirement living More retirees choosing cruise ship living Cost savings compared to retirement homes
Retirement home costs vary by type and location Retirement living costs Varying costs based on location and level of care Geographic location and level of needed assistance
Cruise ship living costs vary by cruise line and services Retirement living costs Varying costs based on cruise line and services Cruise line options and additional onboard expenses
Extended cruise ship living may not be practical for all Retirement living suitability Requires good health and ability to travel Health considerations and potential medical costs
Extended cruise ship living as alternative retirement option Retirement living alternative More retirees considering cruise ship living Desire for alternative retirement options
