
The Danger of Continuous Partial Attention, from (20220711.)

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The text discusses the danger of continuous partial attention in our hyper-connected world. Continuous partial attention refers to the state where people give partial attention to what they are doing continuously. This can hamper relationship-building efforts, both on a personal and professional level. The desire to stay connected online during in-person events can dilute our efforts to connect with others. Continuous partial attention can also affect our ability to build profitable business relationships and can lead to a state of attention deficit. It is important to know when to focus on face-to-face interactions and put notifications on Do Not Disturb in this digital age.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Continuous partial attention From focused attention to divided attention Increased difficulty in building meaningful relationships Desire for constant connectivity and fear of missing out
Hyperconnectivity during networking events From face-to-face interaction to online distraction Increased dilution of networking efforts Desire to stay “live” online and fear of missing out
Loss of connection during conversations From focused conversation to distracted conversation Decreased memory of conversations and decreased importance of in-person interactions Desire to stay connected online and fear of missing out
Continuous partial attention at work From focused work to distracted work Decreased productivity and increased mistakes Desire to stay connected online and fear of missing out
Importance of face-to-face interactions From prioritizing online interactions to prioritizing in-person interactions Increased recognition of the value of in-person communication Desire for meaningful connections and relationships
Increasing use of social media From limited use to constant use Increased reliance on social media for communication and relationship-building Desire for convenience and fear of missing out
Importance of setting boundaries with technology From unrestricted technology use to setting limits Increased awareness of the negative effects of constant connectivity Desire for work-life balance and mental well-being
