
Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind, from (20230320.)

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“Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind” by Mike Jay explores the history and evolving attitudes towards self-experimentation with drugs. The book delves into the early years of doctors, scientists, and specialists using psychoactive drugs to gain a better understanding of their effects. However, concerns about addiction and a shift towards more objective research methods led to the outlawing of drug use. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of support for self-experimentation, particularly in the study of psychedelic drugs. Mike Jay provides a comprehensive view of the historical complexities behind modern-day drug policy. Overall, the book emphasizes the potential benefits and risks associated with drug use, highlighting the importance of careful research and understanding in maximizing the benefits while minimizing harm.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Cyclical attitudes towards self-experimentation From support to prohibition Increased support for self-experimentation Desire for better knowledge and understanding of drug effects
Resumed support for self-experimentation From prohibition to acceptance Increased acceptance and research Recognition of potential benefits and therapeutic value of psychedelic drugs
Influence of self-experimenters on culture From limited influence to significant impact Increased recognition and complexity Exploration of new perspectives and understanding of reality
Discouragement of self-experimentation in research From experimentation to brain activity focus Shift towards studying consciousness Emphasis on measuring brain activity and quantifiable effects
Influence of race and class on drug policy From systemic discrimination to awareness Greater awareness and consideration Recognition of racial and class disparities in drug policy
Continued pursuit of maximizing drug benefits From focus on risks to balanced approach Enhanced medical understanding Desire to derive maximum benefit from drugs while minimizing risks
