
Beavers: Nature’s Climate Change Heroes, from (20230810.)

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Beavers play a crucial role in helping ecosystems and wildlife cope with the impacts of heat waves and climate change. Their ability to build dams and create wetlands not only provides habitats for various animals but also cools down the water and air temperatures. By deepening streams and forcing cold groundwater to the surface, beavers contribute to the overall cooling effect. They also help prevent wildfires by flooding the landscape and irrigating plants, making the areas surrounding their dams relatively unaffected by fires. Additionally, beavers help mitigate droughts by replenishing groundwater. The lessons we can learn from beavers include the importance of resilience and working with nature to adapt to a hotter world.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Beavers as heat wave helpers Environmental change Increased recognition of beavers’ role in climate resilience Climate change and heat wave impacts
Beaver dams cool water and air Environmental change Increased use of beaver dams for temperature regulation Climate change and heat wave impacts
Beavers create fire breaks Environmental change Greater use of beaver dams to protect against wildfires Climate change and wildfire risks
Beavers help mitigate droughts Environmental change Increased use of beaver dams to replenish groundwater Climate change and drought risks
Learning resilience from beavers Social and behavioral change Increased recognition of the need to work with nature Climate change and the limitations of human-made technologies
