
Challenges and Aspirations in Future of Work, from (20230810.)

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The text highlights several challenges and paradoxes faced by French employees and leaders in the context of an inflationary environment where nearly 20% of employees struggle to make ends meet. The study “Hopes & Fears 2023” explores the perspectives of employees on various aspects such as salary, AI, sustainable development, skills, and the future of the business model. It reveals that 27% of French employees do not believe that AI will have an impact on their work, while more than one in five employees are willing to leave their jobs. The study also emphasizes the importance of addressing the urgency of climate change, the impact of new technologies, and the search for meaning in the workplace. Furthermore, it discusses the perceptions of employees regarding AI, the need for developing new skills, and the major transformations to be undertaken. The summary also highlights the importance of adaptability and the development of soft skills in a rapidly changing world. It concludes by mentioning the alignment between companies and employees in the urgency to adapt the business model, especially among the younger generation.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
18% des collaborateurs français ont du mal à boucler les fins de mois Financial struggle Improved financial stability Economic policies, wage increases
1 jeune sur 2 (Gen Z) pense que le modèle de son entreprise ne sera plus viable d’ici 10 ans Doubt in company’s viability Shift towards sustainable business models Technological advancements, environmental concerns
27% des collaborateurs français ne pensent pas que l’IA aura un impact sur leur travail Lack of belief in AI impact Increased integration of AI in work processes Lack of awareness, need for education
Plus d’1 employé français sur 5 est prêt à quitter son emploi Willingness to quit jobs Higher job satisfaction and retention strategies Dissatisfaction with current work conditions
Salaire, IA, développement durable, compétences, modèle d’entreprise… : quel regard portent les collaborateurs sur le futur du travail ? Focus on salary, AI, sustainability, skills, and business models Shift towards fair compensation, sustainable practices, and adaptable skills Desire for financial security, environmental consciousness, technological advancements
Face à une baisse du pouvoir d’achat des ménages entre 2022 et 2023, la rémunération fait partie des attentes fortes des collaborateurs Emphasis on compensation due to declining purchasing power Increased demand for higher wages and promotions Economic conditions, desire for financial stability
Si toujours moins de la moitié des salariés interrogés trouvent leur travail épanouissant (39 %), les conditions de travail entre 2022 et 2023 se sont globalement améliorées Low job satisfaction but improved working conditions Focus on employee well-being and satisfaction Emphasis on work-life balance, employee engagement
38 % des collaborateurs français admettent enfin que leur comportement n’est pas toujours en phase avec les valeurs et l’orientation de leur entreprise Misalignment of employee behavior with company values Increased efforts to align employee behavior with company values Need for cultural change, improved communication
Les salariés français perçoivent l’importance de travailler leurs soft skills Importance of developing soft skills Focus on developing adaptable skills for changing job market Need for personal growth, desire for career advancement
Entreprises et collaborateurs sont alignés sur l’urgence d’adapter le modèle de l’entreprise Alignment on the need to adapt business models Shift towards sustainable and adaptable business models Market competition, changing consumer demands
Les collaborateurs ont encore du mal à percevoir les effets directs des stratégies élaborées pour le développement durable Lack of understanding of the effects of sustainability strategies Increased awareness and transparency on the impact of sustainability strategies Need for education and communication, environmental consciousness
