
The Infinite Game: Applying Leadership Strategies, from (20230701.)

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The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek is a book that applies ideas from James P. Carse’s book, Finite and Infinite Games, to the topics of business and leadership. Sinek explores the concept of finite games, which have a clear end and a winner, and infinite games, which are played to continue playing rather than to win. He argues that business fits the characteristics of an infinite game, with new players joining at any time and no set of fixed rules. Sinek emphasizes the importance of embracing an infinite mindset in business to build strong and healthy organizations. He outlines five essential practices for leaders to have an infinite mindset, including courage to lead and trusting teams. Overall, The Infinite Game provides valuable insights into leadership and business strategies for long-term success.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
The Infinite Game Shift from finite to infinite mindset in business and leadership Stronger, more innovative, resilient organizations Desire for long-term success and adaptability
