
Tulpamancy: Creating Autonomous Mental Entities, from (20230616.)

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Tulpamancy is a process where individuals create autonomous beings called tulpas within their own minds. Unlike imaginary friends, tulpas are fully formed and act independently. The internet has played a significant role in the formation of unique cultures and communities, allowing individuals with different identities and interests to connect. Tulpamancers often bring fictional characters or fantasy creatures to life through tulpamancy. Advanced tulpamancers can even relinquish control of their bodies to their tulpas temporarily. However, there are risks involved, as tulpas can become difficult to remove and may pose a threat if there is conflict between the creator and the tulpa.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Tulpamancy as a lifestyle choice Shift in perception and acceptance of unique lifestyles Increased understanding and acceptance of tulpamancy Desire for personal autonomy and exploration of identity
Online communities shaping cultures and identities Creation of distinct cultures and communities online Further development and diversification of online cultures Desire for connection and belonging in a digital age
Tulpas as autonomous beings in the mind Shift in understanding of consciousness and identity Increased exploration and understanding of consciousness and identity Desire for companionship and unique experiences
Projection of tulpas into the real world Blurring of boundaries between imagination and reality Advancements in technology allowing for enhanced projection and interaction with tulpas Desire for immersive experiences and connection with fictional characters
Relinquishing control of the body to tulpas Exploration of altered states of consciousness and self-identity Continued exploration and understanding of altered states of consciousness Desire for unique experiences and self-exploration
Challenges and potential dangers of tulpamancy Recognition of potential risks and consequences of tulpamancy Development of support systems and guidelines for safe exploration of tulpamancy Desire for personal growth and fulfillment through unique experiences.
