
The Misunderstanding of Games as Passive Entertainment, from (20240526.)

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The article discusses the misconception among publishing management that games are too hard to learn. It argues that gaming is a form of functional abstraction, different from passive entertainment, and taps into our cognitive processes and ability to learn. The author emphasizes the importance of learning in games and the role of gaming in cognitive development. However, the article criticizes publishing management for their lack of understanding of game design and best practices. The author shares personal anecdotes of executives making changes to games without actually playing them. The article concludes by stating the importance of recognizing games as cognitive firmware and the negative consequences of simplifying games.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Perennial meme that games are too hard to learn Misunderstanding of gaming Publishing management will have a better understanding of gaming and its appeal Lack of knowledge and misconception about the medium
Gaming is a form of functional abstraction Games as functional firmware Games will continue to be seen as a form of functional abstraction, with emphasis on new and innovative cognitive experiences Desire for new cognitive experiences and the satisfaction of overcoming challenges
Publishers’ lack of understanding of games Misaligned decision-making Publishers will need to have a better understanding of games and what they offer to consumers Desire to change or adapt gaming to be more palatable to publishers, regardless of customer preferences
Simplifying games reduces their appeal Appeal of complex games Games will continue to offer functional variety and challenges, as simplifying games will decrease their appeal to players Desire for new cognitive firmware and challenges rather than rehashed versions of existing games
Diminishing returns of recent AAA releases Need for functional variety Consumers will require more functional variety in games, as pretty visuals alone are no longer enough to justify a game Desire for more than just visually pleasing games
Popular games are abstract and illogical Appeal of ambiguous concepts Games will continue to tap into low level cognitive processes, offering the ability to understand ambiguous and undefined concepts Subconscious desire to understand and learn new things through gaming
The unique satisfaction of overcoming gaming challenges Importance of surmounting challenges The satisfaction of overcoming difficult gaming challenges will remain integral to the medium’s appeal Desire for the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes with overcoming challenges in gaming
