
Nuke Plants Stick with PDP-11 Code Until 2050, from (20290911.)

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This article discusses the continued use of PDP-11 code in nuclear power plants until 2050. The PDP-11 minicomputer, a 16-bit machine, is still being used to power GE nuclear power-plant robots. However, finding programmers who are skilled in PDP-11 assembler code is difficult. GE Canada has resorted to seeking assembly programmers for this specific technology. The article also mentions the unconventional approach that GE has taken to find these programmers, as traditional recruitment methods have not been successful. The article concludes with a mention of other outdated operating systems and programming languages that are still in use.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Nuke plants to rely on PDP-11 code UNTIL 2050! Use of outdated technology in nuclear power plants Transition to newer technology in nuclear power plants Cost and complexity of transitioning to new technology
