
The Dangers of Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS), from (20220810.)

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In this article, Richard Stallman discusses the concept of Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS) and its impact on computing freedom. He explains how SaaSS allows someone else to have control over a user’s computing activities and compares it to the issues with proprietary software. Stallman emphasizes the importance of using free software and rejecting proprietary software and SaaSS. He also distinguishes SaaSS from other network services and highlights the ethical issues associated with it. Stallman suggests using peer-to-peer programs and developing distributed alternatives to SaaSS. He concludes by urging users to avoid using SaaSS and to maintain control over their own computing activities.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Proprietary software Shift from proprietary software to free software More people will use free software for control over computing Desire for control and freedom over computing
Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS) Shift from running your own copy of a program to using a service implemented by someone else More people will reject SaaSS and opt for running their own copy of a program Desire for control and freedom over computing
SaaSS and SaaS Distinction between SaaSS and Software as a Service (SaaS) Clear understanding of what is bad about SaaSS Clear communication and understanding of the issues with SaaSS
Dangers of SaaSS Awareness of the dangers and consequences of SaaSS More caution and resistance towards using SaaSS Protection of user’s control and freedom over computing
Differentiating SaaSS from other network services Awareness of the distinction between SaaSS and other network services Clear understanding of when SaaSS is applicable Clear communication and understanding of the issues with SaaSS
Renting a server Distinguishing between renting a server and SaaSS Recognition that renting a server does not involve SaaSS Clear understanding and distinction between renting a server and SaaSS
Dealing with the SaaSS problem Development of alternatives to using servers for collaboration Creation of peer-to-peer programs for secure data sharing Desire for control and freedom over computing, development of alternative solutions
