
The Decline of Global Cities and Britain’s Challenges, from (20220212.)

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The text discusses the end of the global city story and its implications for the future of work. It explores how the shape and structure of cities are closely linked to the nature of work and economic opportunities. The text critiques Edward Glaeser’s book, “The Triumph of the City,” which presents a model of cities driven by technology, globalization, and the growth of services. It argues that this model may be limited and dependent on fossil fuels. Additionally, the text highlights the challenges faced by global cities, including unaffordability, inadequate care services, and increasing inequality. It also touches on the incompetence of the British government in addressing these issues. Overall, the text raises questions about the sustainability and future direction of cities and their impact on work and society.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
2. Britain and ‘Shit Life Syndrome’ Recognition of government incompetence and neglect of citizens Increased focus on addressing societal well-being and inequality Public demand for competent and effective governance.
