
The Power of Simplicity in Living Systems, from (20220917.)

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The text emphasizes the importance of simplicity and how it leads to the growth of living systems. It highlights the use of simple seeds to create complex living systems, as seen in the example of wikis. The concept of simplicity is further explored through the idea of starting with the simplest thing that could possibly work in coding and problem-solving. The text also discusses the emergence of living complexity through coevolution and the interactions between evolving systems. It warns against the dangers of dead complexity, which arises from rationalizing and over-engineering systems. Overall, the text promotes simplicity and living complexity as essential elements for the growth and success of systems.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Living systems grow from simple seeds Growth from simplicity More emphasis on starting with simple foundations Desire for organic growth and adaptability
Do simple things Emphasis on simplicity Focus on minimalistic approaches Need for clarity and efficiency
Simple rules produce complex behavior Emergence of complexity from simplicity Increased understanding of complexity in various systems Desire for effective and efficient solutions
Living complexity grows from simple seeds Coevolution and adaptability Increased recognition of the interconnectedness and uniqueness of systems Appreciation for the diversity and dynamics of life
Dead complexity kills living systems Negative impact of over-rationalization Recognition of the limitations and dangers of excessive complexity Desire to preserve the vitality and adaptability of systems
How do you create living systems? Evolution of shared protocols Adoption of existing systems and tools Emphasis on organic growth and collaboration
