
The Decline of the Curated Instagram Era, from (20231005.)

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Instagram, once a platform for everyday photos and authentic content, has transformed into a curated space filled with professionally created content. This shift has led to frustration among users like Tati Bruening, who launched a campaign to bring back the original essence of Instagram. As a result, more users are turning to private posting and closed groups to share content in a safer and less pressured environment. The rise of influencers and the emphasis on professionalized content has further contributed to the decline in posting by regular users. This change in social media behavior has also given rise to new apps and platforms that cater to niche communities and offer more direct sharing experiences. Overall, the Instagram era of social media is coming to an end, making way for a new era of authentic online sharing within closed communities.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Instagram becoming a curated platform From everyday photos to meticulously planned content More private sharing and closed communities User frustration with curated content
Users retreating to private posting and closed groups From public sharing to more selective communities Less pressure to curate and share publicly Desire for a safer and more authentic online space
Social media becoming less social and more media From user-generated content to consuming professional content Decreased posting by non-creators Fatigue and pressure to create high-quality content
Introduction of new apps trying to recapture the magic of social media Copycat versions of existing platforms Lack of groundbreaking app Desire for a new and unique social media experience
Shift towards direct messaging From public sharing to private conversations Growth of niche communities and direct sharing Desire for more intimate and personalized connections
