
The Holographic Theory of Learning, from (20240602.)

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The holographic theory suggests that by studying one subject thoroughly, one can gain knowledge and understanding about other aspects of reality. Each fragment or aspect contains information about the whole, although some details may be lost in smaller fragments. For example, a literary scholar studying a specific writer must also understand historical context, geography, and culture to properly analyze the author’s works. These works, while fictional, reflect the author’s understanding of the world and can provide insights into their values and desires. Similarly, studying a programming language exposes learners to concepts such as logic, collaboration, and data security, which have applications beyond the subject itself. Overall, deep studies of any subject can reveal insights about the world we live in.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Holographic theory of learning Learning about one subject thoroughly to learn about everything Education emphasizes interdisciplinary learning The desire to gain a deeper understanding of the world
