
The Importance of Science Fiction, from (20221117.)

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In this article, JG Ballard discusses the increasing importance of science fiction in the 20th century. He argues that science fiction holds more relevance and influence than conventional fiction, as it explores the relationship between individuals and the technological landscape of the late 20th century. Ballard believes that science fiction is the only form of literature that can bridge the gap between traditional narrative fiction and the emerging cassette and videotape fictions of the future. He emphasizes the role of the writer, who must become more analytical and imaginative to survive in a world where fiction is produced in abundance. Ballard also criticizes literary criticism of science fiction, asserting that it fails to understand the atheistic nature of the genre. Overall, Ballard highlights the significance of science fiction in capturing and reflecting the ever-expanding future.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Science fiction becoming more important Increasing importance of science fiction More widespread recognition and influence Role of technology in society
Science fiction thriving Thriving science fiction Greater influence on the world Declining interest in social novels
Science fiction as response to tech Shift in writer’s role Writers become more analytical and imaginative Perceived importance of technology
Science fiction crossing mediums Shift from narrative fiction to new media More fiction in cassette and videotape format Advancements in technology and media
Science fiction spreading globally Global spread of science fiction Increased acceptance and popularity People’s willingness to embrace change
Criticism of science fiction Criticism as potential threat Potential threat to the genre’s authenticity Lack of understanding and misinterpretation
Subject matter of science fiction Focus on everyday life and technology Incorporation of everyday objects and images Integration of technology and popular culture
Unique addition of words in SF Words as unique ingredient Distinctive use of language in storytelling Creative expression and communication through words
