
Xiaomi’s Self-Optimizing Autonomous Factory: Producing 10M+ Phones a Year, from (20240825.)

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Xiaomi has introduced a new fully automated smart factory in Beijing that is capable of producing over 10 million phones per year. The factory, equipped with 11 production lines, operates without any human workers and relies on self-optimization and problem-solving capabilities. It is set to produce Xiaomi’s upcoming foldable phones at a rate of one every three seconds. The facility ensures a clean manufacturing environment and utilizes innovative AI technology to continuously improve and optimize the production process. This breakthrough in smart manufacturing represents a significant advancement in the field of automation and sets the stage for future developments in the industry.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Xiaomi’s self-optimizing autonomous factory From manual production to fully automated production More advanced and efficient autonomous factories producing a wide range of products Increasing demand for efficiency and cost reduction in manufacturing industry
