La Science-Fiction Italienne comme Réflexion des Tensions Fascistes et Autoritaires Contemporaines, (from page 20240630.)
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- Gianfranco De Turris
- Fantafascismo
- Occidente
- Mario Farneti
- immigration clandestine
- Mussolini
- fascisme
- ultradroite
- mouvements extrémistes
- culture italienne
- science-fiction
- littérature
- politique
- auteur
- idéologie fasciste
- Category: politics
- Type: blog post
Cet article explore comment la science-fiction en Italie reflète des tendances politiques contemporaines, notamment la résurgence de l’extrême droite et du fascisme. Deux livres récents, “Fantafascismo” et “Occidente”, montrent comment ces idéologies se manifestent dans la littérature et la culture populaire. L’auteur souligne la montée de l’autoritarisme au sein du gouvernement italien, avec des politiques inhumaines contre l’immigration et une glorification du passé fasciste. Le texte met également en lumière la réhabilitation de figures fascistes et la diffusion d’idées révisionnistes, qui ont infiltré divers secteurs de la société italienne. En conclusion, la science-fiction est perçue non pas comme une critique de la réalité, mais comme un moyen pour l’extrême droite de légitimer ses idéologies dans un contexte culturel favorable.
name |
description |
change |
10-year |
driving-force |
relevancy |
Rise of Far-Right Ideologies |
The resurgence of extreme right-wing ideologies in Italy, reflected in literature and politics. |
Shift from moderate political discourse to extreme nationalist and fascist rhetoric. |
In 10 years, Italy may see institutionalized far-right policies influencing immigration and education. |
A combination of economic distress and cultural backlash against globalization. |
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Cultural Appropriation of Sci-Fi |
The appropriation of science fiction by far-right groups for ideological promotion. |
Science fiction moves from a space for imagination to a tool for extremist propaganda. |
In 10 years, science fiction may be redefined to reflect authoritarian ideals rather than utopian visions. |
Desire to reclaim cultural narratives and reshape public perception. |
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Normalization of Racism |
The increasing acceptance of racist rhetoric and actions in public discourse. |
Transition from taboo to commonplace in political and media narratives regarding race. |
In 10 years, societal norms may shift to openly embrace racial discrimination as acceptable. |
Political leaders leveraging fear and division to gain support. |
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Revisionist History |
The rise of historical revisionism that downplays fascist atrocities. |
From recognition of historical injustices to glorification of fascist figures and actions. |
In 10 years, history education may reflect a sanitized version of Italy’s fascist past. |
Desire to reshape national identity and historical narratives for political gain. |
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Youth Radicalization |
Influence of extremist literature on youth culture and radicalization. |
Shift from mainstream cultural influences to extremist ideologies among youth. |
In 10 years, youth may increasingly identify with far-right movements and ideologies. |
The search for identity and belonging in a tumultuous socio-political landscape. |
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name |
description |
relevancy |
Rise of Authoritarianism |
The emergence of authoritarian governance and ideologies in Italy, linked with xenophobia and anti-immigration sentiment. |
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Normalization of Fascism |
The resurgence of fascist ideologies in political discourse and its acceptance by mainstream society. |
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Racist Propaganda |
The increasing presence of racist propaganda and xenophobic policies in politics and media. |
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Revisionist History |
The danger of historical revisionism that undermines the atrocities of fascism and colonialism. |
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Marginalization of Minorities |
Continued marginalization and violence against minority groups, particularly immigrants and LGBTQ+ community. |
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Cultural Extremism |
The integration of extremist ideologies into cultural frameworks, especially through literature and education. |
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Impact on Youth |
The influence of extremist literature on young people’s views and normalization of radical ideas. |
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Social Conflict |
Heightened social conflict and division due to rising nationalist and exclusionary sentiments. |
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name |
description |
relevancy |
Revival of Fascist Ideology |
A resurgence of fascist ideas and practices in contemporary Italian politics, often under the guise of nationalism and anti-immigration sentiment. |
5 |
Normalization of Racism and Xenophobia |
Mainstream acceptance of racist language and policies, particularly targeting immigrants and minority groups, as part of political discourse. |
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Cultural Appropriation by Extremist Groups |
Extreme right groups leveraging science fiction and fantasy literature to promote their ideologies, co-opting popular culture for political ends. |
4 |
Integration of Religious Fundamentalism in Politics |
The blending of extreme right politics with religious fundamentalism, particularly Catholicism, influencing public policy and social attitudes. |
4 |
Historical Revisionism |
A trend towards revising historical narratives to downplay or justify past fascist actions and ideologies, affecting public perception and education. |
5 |
Militarization of Law Enforcement |
An increase in aggressive tactics and militarized responses from law enforcement, particularly in managing protests and public dissent. |
4 |
Youth Radicalization through Subculture |
Youth engaging with extremist ideologies through subcultures, often influenced by literature and media that glorify past authoritarian regimes. |
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Rejection of Pluralism and Diversity |
A growing sentiment against multiculturalism and diversity, pushing for a homogenous national identity. |
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description |
relevancy |
src |
Une tendance émergente qui consiste à revisiter et réécrire l’histoire pour en modifier la perception, souvent en faveur d’idéologies extrêmes. |
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L’utilisation de la science-fiction comme moyen d’expression pour des idéologies politiques, notamment celles de l’extrême droite. |
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L’usage croissant des médias et des publications pour diffuser des idées racistes et xénophobes sous couvert de culture. |
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Un retour en force de l’extrémisme religieux qui influence les politiques publiques et culturelles en Italie. |
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973a87b1bc24836405dae26cc634a6bf |
L’engagement croissant des groupes extrémistes dans les manifestations et la politique italienne, influençant les lois et la société. |
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973a87b1bc24836405dae26cc634a6bf |
name |
description |
relevancy |
Rise of Extreme Right Ideologies |
The emergence and normalization of extreme right ideologies in Italy, reflected in literature and government actions. |
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Criminalization of Immigration |
Legislative proposals to categorize illegal immigration as a crime, promoting inhumane treatment of immigrants. |
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Cultural Revisionism |
The growing trend of cultural revisionism, particularly regarding fascism and colonialism, undermining historical truths. |
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Homophobia in Education |
Efforts to exclude LGBTQ+ teachers from schools, reflecting broader societal homophobia. |
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Normalization of Violence by Authorities |
Increasing acceptance of police violence and authoritarian measures in governance, as seen in G8 protests. |
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Anti-Immigrant Sentiments |
Rising public support for anti-immigrant sentiments and actions, including violent demonstrations and rhetoric. |
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Intersection of Literature and Extremism |
The use of science fiction and literature as tools for promoting extremist ideologies and cultural narratives. |
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Religious Fundamentalism |
The merging of Catholic fundamentalism with extreme right political movements, fostering intolerance. |
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Youth Radicalization through Media |
The impact of extremist literature and media on youth culture, potentially leading to radicalization. |
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Erosion of Moral Sensitivity |
A decline in public sensitivity to racism, fascism, and authoritarianism, leading to societal desensitization. |
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