
Career Lessons for Success and Growth, from (20231017.)

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The text provides valuable advice on career development and professional growth. It emphasizes the importance of finding a job that aligns with future trends, making long-term career decisions, and continuously improving oneself. It highlights the significance of choosing the right boss, specializing in areas of passion, and building a strong personal brand. The text also discusses the need to unlearn and adapt to change, as well as the importance of planning exits and transitioning into a portfolio career. Overall, the text offers practical insights and guidance for individuals at different stages of their careers.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
1. Find the least sucky job you can Attitude towards early career jobs Jobs will still have initial assignments, but with more focus on personal growth and development Competitiveness in the job market
2. The Trend is your Friend Job selection based on alignment with trends Career success depends on aligning with rising trends and industries Growing demand in specific industries
3. Plan and make decisions over a long horizon Long-term career planning Longer career spans and working for nearly 50 years Longer life expectancies and changing retirement ages
4. Even the best jobs are only good seventy percent of the time Perception of job satisfaction Challenging aspects of a great job and dealing with uncertainty Increasing complexity and changes in the work environment
5. Compete against yourself rather than with others Focus on personal improvement Continuous personal growth and skill development Intrinsic motivation and self-improvement
6. Plan your career as if you were a company of one Shift towards project-based work and specialization Building expertise, working in teams, and being flexible Changing nature of work and increased demand for specialized skills
7. Who you work for is critical so choose your boss well Importance of finding the right boss Bosses become determining factors in career success Mentorship, growth opportunities, and support from bosses
8. Find Fit Specialization and pursuing passion Finding opportunities at the intersection of passion, comparative advantage, and market demand Pursuit of happiness and fulfillment in work
9. Build your Brand Personal branding and reputation Web presence and online reputation management Establishing credibility and visibility in a digital world
10. Unlearn. Transform. Re-Invent Embracing change and continuous learning Need to adapt and learn new skills to stay relevant Technological advancements and industry transformations
11. Exits are as important as Entrances in Career Management Importance of strategic career transitions Recognizing the need for exits and leaving on a high note Transitioning to new opportunities and maintaining a positive legacy
12. Build a portfolio career and start giving back aggressively Transitioning to a portfolio career and focus on giving back Balancing multiple roles and contributing to society Desire for purposeful work and leaving a meaningful impact
