
Designing the Future through Science Fiction, from (20240121.)

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The text discusses the importance of using science fiction to envision and plan for the future. It highlights the need for new narratives and hands-on solutions in order to create a more sustainable, equal, and resilient world. The method of sci-fi prototyping is presented as a way to explore the implications and effects of science and technology on society. The text emphasizes the importance of considering multiple futures and building flexibility into strategies. It also distinguishes sci-fi prototyping from forecasting and scenario building, explaining that it allows for more creativity and exploration of the impact on daily lives. The text concludes by highlighting the potential of sci-fi prototyping to guide efforts towards sustainable solutions and turn imagined futures into reality.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Designing the future using science fiction Shifting from extrapolating facts to building stories More emphasis on using storytelling to envision and plan for the future The need to imagine and create more hopeful futures
Importance of narratives for understanding and transforming society Moving beyond crisis and systemic inequality Increased emphasis on narratives to illuminate what’s broken and provide solutions The recognition that narratives shape our understanding and actions
Science fiction prototyping as a method to explore future implications Integrating science and creativity for future exploration More widespread use of science fiction prototyping in envisioning and preparing for the future The desire to understand the implications and effects of emerging technologies
Sci-fi prototyping not equivalent to forecasting or trendwatching Differentiating between speculative exploration and prediction Clearer understanding of the distinction between storytelling and forecasting Acknowledging the creative freedom and narrative aspects of science fiction prototyping
Five-step process for sci-fi prototyping Structured approach to building future scenarios Adoption of the classic sci-fi prototyping method for envisioning possible futures Offering a systematic method for exploring future implications
Broadening perception of characters in sci-fi prototyping Including non-human entities in character development Inclusion of non-human characters and their perspectives in future storytelling Recognition of the rights and voices of non-human entities
Example of sci-fi prototyping: Radical Ocean Futures project Examining the futures of non-technological developments More projects using sci-fi prototyping to address urgent environmental issues Using art and science to imagine and guide sustainable solutions
Science fiction prototypes as imagined laboratories Using imagination to explore science and emerging technologies Increased recognition of science fiction prototypes as tools for critical reflection and innovation Harnessing the power of imagination to shape future realities
