
The Future of Strategic Decision-Making, from (20230423.)

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The text discusses the importance of decision-making in a rapidly changing world and the potential impact of AI on human decision-making. It emphasizes the need for humans to adapt and enhance their decision-making abilities to remain relevant. The text also explores the concept of AAA (Anticipatory, Antifragile, Agility) and how it can help humans navigate complex systems. It highlights the current capabilities of AI in decision-making and the potential for machines to surpass human abilities in the future. The text concludes with a discussion on how humans can remain relevant by being more anticipatory, antifragile, and agile.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Evolutionary pressure on strategic decisions From human-led to AI-led decision-making AI autonomously making strategic decisions Increasing capabilities of AI in decision-making
AAA (Anticipatory, Adaptive, Agile) as a governance model From traditional governance models to AAA governance AAA governance becoming the norm Need for adaptability in a complex world
AI’s increasing role in decision-making From AI providing insights to AI making autonomous decisions AI making decisions without human involvement Advancements in AI and machine learning
Humans’ struggle with decision-making in complex systems From humans leading decision-making to potential marginalization Humans being replaced by AI in decision-making Inability of humans to handle complexity
Need for humans to become more anticipatory, antifragile, and agile From humans relying on traditional decision-making frameworks to adopting AAA Humans becoming more AAA to remain relevant Adapting to an unpredictable and complex world
Possibility of AI surpassing human decision-making From humans as superior decision-makers to AI overtaking AI becoming better at decision-making than humans Rapid development of AI and machine learning
