
Arachnomancy: Weaving the Future with Spider/Webs, from (20230701.)

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The text discusses the Arachnomancy Cards, which were created to explore various topics such as invertebrate rights and climate eviction. These cards were exhibited in the ON AIR exhibition and the Spider/Web Pavilion as part of the Venice Biennale. The cards serve as a medium to consult spider/web oracles, acting as messengers between perceptual worlds and weaving worlds of vibration. The text also mentions the Arachnomancy App, which allows users to receive oracle readings based on the digital version of the cards. The app extends the concept of the Arachnocene and allows users to share photos of spider/webs and unlock readings composed of seismic signals from the Arachnophilia Archives.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Arachnomancy Cards Invitation to attune to sympoietic futures Increased use and development of arachnomancy cards Embracing interconnectedness and exploring future possibilities
Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 1 MULTIVERSE Gravitational waves resounding the cosmic web Improved understanding and sensing of gravitational waves Advancements in cosmic exploration and understanding
Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 8 INVERTEBRATE RIGHTS Advocacy for invertebrate rights Increased recognition and protection of invertebrate rights Growing awareness of the importance of biodiversity and inclusivity
Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 17 SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM Awareness of surveillance capitalism Greater understanding and regulation of data mining and surveillance practices Concerns over privacy and individual autonomy
Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 18 CLIMATE EVICTION Escaping the consequences of climate change Increased migration and displacement due to climate change Urgency to address and mitigate the impacts of climate change
Arachnomancy App Digital Arachnomancy readings based on spider/webs Widespread use of Arachnomancy App for oracle readings Integration of technology and nature for divination purposes
