
Challenges and Future of libjpeg-turbo, from (20230708.)

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The text discusses the current state and challenges faced by the libjpeg-turbo project. It mentions the release of version 3.0.0 and the delay caused by issues with SignPath. The author emphasizes the need for more general funding to continue development and support for the project. They explain the limitations of the current funding and the impact it has on their ability to work on libjpeg-turbo. The author also expresses their willingness to be acquired by a larger organization and requests individual developers to contribute to the project’s funding.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Delay in libjpeg-turbo release Delay in release cycle More stable release, increased testing Pressure to fix bugs and ensure stability
Possible absence of libjpeg-turbo 3.1 release Lack of funding Limited new features, tech support Insufficient general funding
Struggles with funding and compensation Lack of funding and equitable compensation Limited resources, potential project stagnation Difficulty in securing adequate funding and compensation
Openness to acquisition by larger organization Potential acquisition Potential changes in ownership and support Seeking a more sustainable business model
Call for individual developer donations Increased general funding Financial support for project sustainability Encouraging individual responsibility for project health
