
Privacy Nightmare: How Car Brands Collect and Share Your Data, from (20231005.)

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Modern cars have become a privacy nightmare due to the extensive data collection and sharing practices of car brands. All 25 car brands that were researched received a “Privacy Not Included” warning label, making them the worst category of products for privacy. These car brands collect more personal data than necessary and use it for purposes beyond operating the vehicle. Most car brands also share or sell personal data to service providers, data brokers, and other businesses. Furthermore, car owners have little control over their personal data, with only two car brands allowing for data deletion. The lack of clear security standards in the car industry raises concerns about the protection of personal information. Overall, the research highlights the need for stronger privacy regulations in the automotive industry.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Cars are a privacy nightmare Increased awareness and regulation Improved privacy features in cars Concerns over personal data
Car brands collect and use personal data Excessive data collection Car brands collect less data Data monetization
Car brands share or sell personal data Lack of control over personal data Increased control over personal data Profit and data sharing
Drivers have little control over personal data Lack of control over personal data Increased control over personal data Lack of privacy regulations
Car brands don’t meet minimum security standards Lack of data security Improved data security in cars Lack of focus on security measures
Car brands have poor privacy track records Lack of privacy protection Improved privacy practices Data breaches and leaks
Lack of choice in cars and privacy Limited options for privacy More privacy-focused car options Lack of consumer demand
Car companies manipulate consent Manipulative consent practices Transparent and informed consent Exploitation of consent
Increased awareness and advocacy for privacy Increased accountability Better privacy practices Consumer demand and activism
