
Semantic Similarity Classifier and Sentence Clustering, from (20231005.)

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This text discusses the use of a semantic similarity classifier and clustering sentences based on their semantic similarity. The goal is to cluster semantically similar messages without the need for labelled data. The process involves representing each sentence with an embedding using InferSent, a sentence embeddings method trained on natural language inference data. The code provided demonstrates how to load the model, set the word embeddings, and generate the sentence embeddings. The top 10 relevant keywords for this text include semantic similarity, classifier, clustering, sentences, and InferSent. The themes or categories that this text belongs to are Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Text Classification.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Semantic similarity classifier Clustering sentences based on similarity Improved accuracy and efficiency in clustering Need for better organization of data
Leveraging pre-trained models for clustering Using pre-trained models for clustering More sophisticated and accurate clustering Desire for efficient data processing
Task of semantic similarity classifier Classifying sentences for similarity Advanced algorithms for semantic classification Improved understanding of natural language
Representing sentences with embeddings Using embeddings for sentence representation More accurate and meaningful sentence embeddings Desire for better natural language processing
InferSent sentence embeddings Generating semantic representations for sentences More versatile and effective sentence embeddings Development of advanced natural language models
Loading and using infersent model Utilizing pre-trained model for sentence embeddings Increased availability and usability of pre-trained models Advancements in deep learning and model training techniques
Generating infersent sentence embeddings Creating embeddings for sentences Faster and more efficient generation of embeddings Need for efficient data processing
