
iPhone 16 Wireless Recovery Feature, from (20241020.)

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The introduction of iOS 18 brings a new feature that allows users to wirelessly restore bricked iPhone 16 devices using another iPhone or iPad. This eliminates the need for a computer, making the recovery process more convenient for users who may not have access to a Mac or PC. The process entails placing the malfunctioning device near a compatible one, which then downloads and transfers the necessary firmware for restoration. While this feature is currently limited to iPhone 16 models, it highlights Apple’s ongoing efforts to simplify device management and recovery. The full potential of this recovery method for earlier generations remains uncertain.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Wireless restoration for bricked iPhones Shift from wired to wireless recovery Recovery processes become fully wireless Enhancing user convenience
iOS 18 enables direct iPhone recovery Moving towards device autonomy Users empowered to manage devices independently Simplifying tech support for users
New recovery feature for iPhone 16 Transition from computer dependence Increased reliance on mobile devices Reducing reliance on physical hardware
Dedicated recovery partition introduced Improved recovery capability Higher device resilience Meeting consumer repair demand
