
ProfileGPT: Analyzing Your ChatGPT Profile, from (20230505.)

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ProfileGPT is an app that analyzes a user’s profile and personality as seen by ChatGPT. It aims to raise awareness about personal data usage and the importance of responsible AI. The app can extract personal information, provide a life summary, list hobbies/interests, offer a personality assessment, predict future aspects, and evaluate mental health. The installation process for ProfileGPT involves cloning the repository, navigating to the project directory, and installing the required dependencies. Users can use the app by signing in to ChatGPT, exporting their data, and deploying the app. ProfileGPT contributes to themes such as data privacy, personalization, and artificial intelligence.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
ProfileGPT Analyzing user’s profile and personality More advanced analysis and understanding Raising awareness about personal data usage and responsible AI
