
Hardware Replacement for German Health Data Network Unnecessary, Says Chaos Computer Club, from (20221031.)

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The text discusses the mandatory replacement of special routers in German medical practices for connecting to the healthcare data network “Telematik”. The manufacturers claim that this replacement is necessary after just five years, which would cost the already struggling healthcare system an additional 400 million euros. However, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has demonstrated that this expensive hardware replacement is unnecessary and provides a free solution to the problem. The text highlights the monopolistic business model created by gematik, the company responsible for the “Telematik Infrastructure” (TI), and criticizes the lack of extension options for the routers’ certificates. The CCC reveals that a simple software update could solve the issue, but manufacturers prefer selling new devices. The text also addresses the financial and logistical burden imposed on medical practices and hospitals, as well as the environmental impact of discarding thousands of functional hardware. The CCC calls on authorities to enforce stricter criteria and contracts for gematik and urges manufacturers to seek honest ways to earn their livelihood. Finally, the CCC offers assistance to medical practices and hospitals in implementing the patches if gematik accepts the offer and provides the necessary signatures.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Telematik routers in German doctor’s offices Device replacement every 5 years Software updates instead of hardware replacements Profit for manufacturers
Digitalization of healthcare in Germany Inefficient and costly Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness Government intervention and stricter regulations
Limited lifespan of TI connectors Limited lifespan of devices Longer lifespan for connectors Lack of extension options and profit for manufacturers
High costs for TI connection in healthcare Financial burden on practices Reduced costs for practices and hospitals Government regulation and competition
Repeat of hardware replacement in 2027 Repeat of costly hardware replacement Push for longer lifespan and software updates Lack of extension options and profit for manufacturers
Software update as a solution Minimal effort software update Patching with new certificates and firmware Incompetence of manufacturers and need for stricter regulations
Calls for government intervention and environmental considerations Stricter regulations and contract agreements Improved procurement process and sustainability considerations Inefficiency and wastefulness in the healthcare system
Offer of help with patch installation Assistance with patch installation Smooth implementation of software updates Avoidance of logistical problems and cost-effectiveness
