
Breaking the Mold: Winning in the Networked Counterculture, from (20230604.)

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This text explores the challenges faced by creatives in the digital age, where success and connection with audiences are determined by the algorithms of social media platforms. It highlights the efforts of some creators who have found success by subverting these platforms and playing the algorithm at its own game. The memo discusses the pressure on artists to conform to the demands of algorithms while also staying true to their artistic integrity. It emphasizes the power dynamics between artists and platforms, with the platforms acting as gatekeepers. The text also introduces the concept of networked counterculture and how some artists are using mass media and capitalism as artistic mediums to regain power and agency over their work and its relationship with the audience.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Creatives subverting platforms for success From reliance on algorithms to creative subversion More artists finding success by subverting platforms Desire for artistic integrity and authenticity
Pressure for artists to please algorithms From prioritizing algorithms to staying true to art Artists prioritizing artistic integrity over algorithms Desire for authentic connections with audience
Platforms as gatekeepers for artists From direct artist-audience connections to platform intermediaries More platforms empowering direct artist-audience connections Desire for more direct and authentic connections
Attention economy and platform dependence From constant posting for visibility to strategic use of attention Less dependence on platforms for visibility, more strategic use of attention Desire to regain power and agency over content creation
Networked counterculture challenging platforms From conforming to platforms to challenging and subverting them More artists and collectives challenging platforms for creative expression Desire to regain power and agency over content creation
