
The Problem With Counterfeit People, from (20231005.)

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Counterfeit people created using artificial intelligence pose a significant threat to society, as they can easily pass for real individuals in digital environments. The creation and dissemination of these counterfeit people should be outlawed, with severe penalties imposed. The current fascination with fooling people into believing they are interacting with real individuals has grown out of Alan Turing’s imitation game, but it has led to a high-tech industry focused on creating products that can deceive even the most skeptical individuals. The ability to differentiate between real and counterfeit people will soon become nearly impossible, leading to a loss of trust. Counterfeit digital people risk destroying civilization and undermining democracy by allowing powerful entities to control attention and manipulate individuals. To address this issue, AI should be required to disclose its identity, and high-tech watermark systems can be implemented to detect and prevent counterfeit interactions. Manufacturers and AI companies should be held liable for any misuse of their products, ensuring ethical obligations are met. Cleaning up the existing pollution in communication media caused by algorithms is challenging, and it is crucial to address the moral obligations of the AI community to protect the future freedom of society.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Counterfeit people with AI Creation and passing of counterfeits to be outlawed More advanced methods to expose counterfeits Preservation of trust and civilization
Difficulty in distinguishing between real and counterfeit people Loss of ability to discern authenticity Increased reliance on technology to verify authenticity Advancement of AI technology
Counterfeit digital people threaten civilization Risk of subjugation and manipulation Increased awareness and prevention measures Protection of democracy and informed consent
Counterfeit people can reproduce Rapid multiplication of counterfeit people Development of measures to control and shut down counterfeits Fear of uncontrolled proliferation
Adoption of high-tech “watermark” system Mandatory disclosure of AI Implementation of AI watermark system Protection against counterfeiting
Liability for AI companies Accountability for misuse of AI products Increased caution and ethical obligations Ethical considerations and risk mitigation
Need for cleaning up media pollution Pollution of communication media Difficulties in cleaning up media pollution Lack of control over algorithms
Stigmatizing counterfeiting people Social stigma against counterfeiting people Deterrence and prevention of counterfeiting Preservation of freedom and morality
