
The Difference Between Academics and Intellectuals, from (20220225.)

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The text discusses the difference between academics and intellectuals, comparing them to farmers and hunters respectively. Academics are described as having fields and cultivating them well, while intellectuals are hunters pursuing their quarry across multiple fields. The author highlights the importance of both farmers and hunters, stating that if liberal learning becomes more focused on hunting, there will be consequences. The vulnerability of both farmers and professors is their inability to sustain partial commitment. The text also explores the possibility of the liberal arts going hungry and homeless if intellectuals replace academics. Overall, the text emphasizes the need for both specialists and generalists in various fields and reflects on the author’s personal connection to the cowboy/farmer hybrid identity.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Difference between academics and intellectuals Shift from farm culture to hunt culture Intellectual pursuit across multiple fields Individual agenda and pursuit of intellectual pleasure
Vulnerability of academics and intellectuals Unreliable support for post- and extra-academic humanities Hunger and homelessness for liberal arts Lack of reliable support and opportunities
Mapping generalists and specialists to hunters and farmers Both necessary and need each other Tending to known needs vs. pursuing the not yet known Balance and synergy between different approaches
Personal interest in cowboy vs. farmer distinction Hybridization of cowboy and farmer Personal background and upbringing Individual experiences and desires
