
EchOpen: Revolutionizing Medical Imaging through Open Source Collaboration, from (20220212.)

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This text discusses the concept of the “commun” and its relevance in various fields. The interviewee, Mehdi Benchoufi, emphasizes the importance of mathematics as a common knowledge shared by all. He also talks about his work on developing an affordable and accessible ultrasound tool, called echOpen, which aims to revolutionize the diagnostic process in healthcare. The echOpen project has been driven by a diverse community of contributors, including mathematicians, physicists, doctors, and engineers. The transition from a community-based project to a private company was motivated by the need for industrialization and funding. Despite this transition, the project remains committed to open-source principles and collaboration with the community. The text highlights the challenges and successes faced by echOpen, including the involvement of the community in decision-making and the open-sourcing of technology. The startup has made significant progress, with an operational product that has already undergone clinical trials.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Open source ultrasound technology From proprietary to open source ultrasound technology More affordable and accessible ultrasound devices Passion for mathematics and the desire to make medical technology more accessible.
Collaborative development in healthcare From closed development to open collaboration in healthcare Increased collaboration and knowledge sharing in healthcare Passion for mathematics and the desire to improve healthcare outcomes.
Transition from community to startup From community-driven development to startup organization Increased focus on commercialization and scalability Need for funding and resources to bring the technology to market.
Open sourcing previous versions From closed to open sourcing previous versions of technology Protection from competitors and fostering innovation Desire to protect intellectual property while promoting innovation.
Facilitating third-party development From closed to open development of complementary services Collaboration with third-party developers and innovation in healthcare Desire to expand the impact and potential uses of the technology.
