
Introducing GPTs: Customize ChatGPT for Specific Purposes, from (20231111.)

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OpenAI is rolling out custom versions of ChatGPT called GPTs, which allow users to create tailored versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes. GPTs can be created without coding and can be used for personal, company, or public use. The GPT Store will be launched soon, allowing users to share and monetize their GPTs. OpenAI has prioritized privacy and safety in GPTs, giving users control over their data and implementing review systems to prevent harmful content. GPTs can be connected to external data sources and APIs, and enterprise customers can create internal-only GPTs. OpenAI aims to involve the community in shaping AI behavior and has made ChatGPT Plus more user-friendly.




Signal Change 10y horizon Driving force
Custom versions of ChatGPT called GPTs for specific purposes Customization Increased ability to tailor ChatGPT for specific tasks User demand for more control and customization
GPT Store launching, allowing public sharing of GPTs Distribution Increased availability and accessibility of GPTs for users to share and explore Community innovation and sharing
Focus on privacy and safety in the development of GPTs Privacy and safety Enhanced control over user data and improved safety measures in GPT development User demand for data control and addressing safety concerns
GPTs being reviewed against usage policies to prevent harmful content sharing Safety Improved mechanisms to prevent the sharing of harmful or inappropriate GPTs Mitigating potential misuse of GPTs and maintaining user trust
Development of GPTs to eventually handle real-world tasks Advancement GPTs becoming more useful and capable of performing real-world tasks Incremental progress towards AI “agents” and societal adaptation
Integration of custom actions and APIs to connect GPTs with the real world Integration with external data GPTs gaining the ability to interact with external systems and databases, providing more practical functionality Enabling developers to extend GPT capabilities and enhance user experiences
Deployment of internal-only GPTs for enterprise customers Customization for enterprises Enterprises utilizing internal GPTs tailored to their specific use cases and departments Addressing the need for customization and alignment with business needs
Involving the community in building and shaping AI behavior Community involvement Broadening participation to create a diverse range of GPTs and ensure safer and better-aligned AI Collaborative approach to AI development and democratic input
Updates to ChatGPT Plus, including fresher information and a consolidated model picker User experience enhancement Improved usability and access to updated information within ChatGPT Plus User feedback and streamlining the user experience
